2024 SnowShoe Tailgate & Kids-Q team registration
2024 SnowShoe Tailgate & Kids-Q JUDGE registration
This contest qualifies for the 2024 Ken Dakai Cup.
• Sausage Fatty - Ground sausage meat may be pre-seasoned as packaged or pre-made; no additional seasonings can be applied prior to inspection. After inspection meat may be cooked, stuffed, wrapped, injected, sauced any way the cook sees fit. This category is NEBS Open Garnish. Teams are reminded that the category sausage fatty is the focus, judges will be looking for easy identification of the sausage - all additional stuffing, sauces, etc. should complement and not hide or disguise the entry. Must be cooked to at least 165 degrees Frienheit
• Anything Spam - Spam must be used in the dish and you can do anything you would like to do with the Spam. The Spam needs to be the Star of the dish. Must be unseasoned prior to inspectionGround sausage meat may be pre-seasoned as packaged or pre-made; no additional seasonings. This category is NEBS Open Garnish. Must Fit in a 9 by 9 Box
• Taco- Taco can be whatever meat you would like beside salmon. All meat must be uncooked, unseasoned upon arrival to the event. A crispy or soft wrapper that is folded or rolled and stuffed with a mixture Allowed. This category is Open Garnish and Must Fit in a 9 by 9 Box
• Anything Salmon- salmon needs to be the star of the dish. You can do what you would like to the salmon that you see fit. The salmon should arrive uncooked, unseasoned to the event. It must be cooked to a minimum temperature of 145 degrees.
Optional People’s Choice:
• Each team will be provided 5 lbs of chicken wings which are to be seasoned and cooked any matter the cook sees fit. The 5 lb batch of wings will be turned in a foil tray for judging by the veterans organization.
KIDS-Q CATEGORY (ages 6 - 16):
• Grilled Cheese - a hot sandwich – must contain at least one slice of bread – any variety of bread the cook sees fit with one or more slices of cheese. Must be prepared by heating using an approved heat source and browned until the cheese melts. A grilled cheese may contain ingredients besides the bread and cheese – keeping in mind that the category is bread and melted cheese as the primary focus.
Fuel Source for the KIDS-Q can be cooked with any fuel source
• Fuel Source for the Competition must be cooked with wood or charcoal only. No Propane, Pellet, or Electric smokers or grills allowed. BBQ Guru-type devices are allowed.
• KIDS-Q: Fuel Source for the KIDS-Q can be cooked with any fuel source such as but not limited to, wood, charcoal, propane, pellet, or electric smokers and/or grills are allowed. BBQ Guru-type devices are allowed.
• Each cooking team is expected to leave their cooking site in equal or better condition than it was when they arrived, and each team’s cooking site will be inspected when they leave the event.
• Each cooking site will be at least 15’ x 15’ and all tents, tables, grills, cookers or smokers should fit within each teams’ assigned space.
• No Trailers Allowed !!*
• Water will not be available at the contest.
• Electricity will Not be available at the contest. If need Power Must provide own
• Trash disposal will be available at the contest.
• Ash disposal will be available at the contest.
• Restroom facilities will be available at the contest.
• Site assignments will be made as you show up
• Any team who leaves their site in an unacceptable condition will not be invited back to future Backyard Shanty/ VABC contests and will not be allowed to compete in a Northeast Barbecue Society sanctioned event for one (1) year.
* if you grill/smoker is your trailer please reach out to us and we may be able to accommodate it
2024 SnowShoe Classic & Kids-Q team registration
2024 SnowShoe Classic & Kids-Q JUDGE registration