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Class n Cook Cooking Info

For more information click here: Class and Cook
Judging Class is Full!
** Class & Cook still accepting participants

Check out this video from the 2024 Miller's Crossing!
See what it's like to compete, judge and attend a NEBS contest.

Shout out and thank you to Justin Czar and his team
at Liberty Lumber Products for the production of this video.

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Interested in BBQ?

NEBS was founded to promote the traditions, lifestyle, and skills associated with outdoor cooking. We offer classes, give cooking demos, sanction contests, organize social events, publish newsletters, and more. 



NEBS is a resource for regional contest organizers, competitors, and judges. Interested in hosting a contest or learning how to compete? Check this site frequently for the latest updates.


Food Service

NEBS connect vendors, competitors that vend, festival organizers, and restaurateurs to build and encourage BBQ offerings in the northeast.



NEBS is a 501(c)3 non-profit. We educate, promote, and preserve the barbecue lifestyle primarily through society membership and volunteer programs. We also accept individual and corporate donations, and in turn help support regional non-profits aligned with our mission.