Also, be sure the grill is stable and is away from children or pets that may bump into it. It would also be a good idea to have a water supply nearby like a garden hose.
Remember if its a grease fire, turn off the gas, remove the food, and use baking soda, sand, or kosher salt if you have no other option. NEVER add water to a grease fire!
If you live in an apartment building with a balcony or rooftop or any other outdoor space, be sure to consult with your building administrator (or in some instances, your local fire department) regarding specific restrictions. Here in Massachusetts good rule of thumb is using charcoal and gas grills indoors or anywhere above the first story is prohibited. So you may want to consider electric grills instead for your barbecuing efforts. More in depth tips for Massachusetts Residents here.
Another great place to barbecue is at a campsite. Camping is such an exciting way to experience the great outdoors and barbecuing food over a campfire is definitely one of those practical yet cozy things you can do. Just be sure that you are at least 15 feet away from your tent and other flammable objects.
Protect yourself by using the correct BBQ utensils such as
- Oven Mitts/Cotton Gloves
- A Couple Pairs Of Tongs
- A Good Spatula
Avoid wearing loose clothing while near the grill. Not only can it be a fire hazard but it will be in your way, getting in your sauce and meat juices.
Always leave the lid to a gas grill open when lighting the fire so the gas does not build up under the cover. If the fire does not initially start, turn off the gas, leave the lid open and wait for at least five minutes before trying again.
It is always a good idea to give your grill a checkup before using it for the first time of the season and always store your tanks outside in an upright position where the temperature will never go over 125 degrees.
To make it all the more special, try a variety of BBQ rubs, marinades, salsas and BBQ sauces to capture your signature taste of great outdoor barbecuing.
Of course, it's not just the atmosphere of being outdoors that can make a barbecue fun and special. It's also in the delicious barbecue dishes that you share with your loved ones.