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Your Feedback Makes the Difference to NEBS!

Chris Kimball | Published on 3/2/2023

We hope that soon you're all enjoying the start of BBQ season! As the Northeast Barbecue Society (NEBS) prepares for an exciting year of competitions, we're reaching out to ask for your help in improving our judging process.


Take the Survey!


We know that you're all passionate about BBQ, and we want to ensure that our judging process is fair, accurate, and reflects the high standards of the NEBS community. That's why we're asking for your feedback – your input could make the difference in helping us create a better competition experience for everyone involved.


We understand that your time is valuable, but we want to stress that your feedback could have a significant impact on the competition experience. If you're indifferent and don't share your thoughts with us, you'll miss the opportunity to influence how we run our competitions. Remember that sharing your feedback could help you and other teams have a better chance of winning!


We're eager to hear your thoughts and ideas on how we can improve the judging process. Whether you've had a positive experience or think there's room for improvement, your feedback is valuable to us. We're committed to taking your input seriously and using it to make meaningful changes that will benefit the entire NEBS community.

Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts with us by completing the survey we've provided. The survey can be anonymous, so please be candid and share your honest opinions.

We thank you in advance for your time and feedback, and we look forward to working together to make this year's competitions the best yet.


Best regards,

The NEBS Judging Committee